kopia zapasowa PostgreSQL za pomocą Baculi
pracochlik - 17-08-2009 16:37
Witam. W poszukiwaniu sposobu wykonania kopi zapasowej PostgreSQL za pomocą Baculi, trafiłem na poniższy poradnik: Kopia zapasowa PostgreSQL I mam pewien problem z dodaniem ,,joba'' do ,,baculi''.
Job { Name = "cc-db" JobDefs = "cc-pgsql" Level = Full FileSet="cc-db" Client = cc-fd Schedule = "WeeklyCycledb" # This creates a backup of the databases with pg_dump to fifos Client Run Before Job = "su - postgres -c \"/etc/bacula/make_database_backup\"" # This deletes the backup and fifo files Client Run After Job = "su - postgres -c \"/etc/bacula/delete_database_backup\"" Priority = 17 # run after main backup }
FileSet { Name = "cc-db" Include { Options { signature = MD5 readfifo = yes } File = "/var/lib/pgsql/data/dump/globalobjects.dump" File = "|/etc/bacula/listdbdump 5432" } }
JobDefs { Name = "cc-pgsql" Type = Backup Level = Full Client = cc-fd FileSet = "cc-db" Schedule = "WeeklyCycle" Storage = bacula-sd Messages = Standard Pool = cc-db }
Client { Name = cc-sd Address = FDPort = 9102 Catalog = MyCatalog Password = "password" } Pool { Name = cc-db Pool Type = Backup Recycle = yes AutoPrune = yes LabelFormat = "BackupCCpgsql" Maximum Volume Bytes = 2000M Volume Retention = 365 days #Accept Any Volume = yes; } Storage { Name = bacula-sd Address = SDPort = 9103 Password = "password" Device = cc-db Media Type = File }
Wyskakuje mi błąd:
17-Aug 16:12 bacula-dir JobId 174: Start Backup JobId 174, Job=cc-db.2009-08-17_16.12.03.05 17-Aug 16:12 bacula-dir JobId 174: Using Device "cc-db" 17-Aug 16:12 bacula-dir JobId 174: Fatal error: Error running program: /etc/bacula/listdbdump 5432. ERR=No such file or directory 17-Aug 16:12 bacula-dir JobId 174: Error: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.4 (28Dec08): 17-Aug-2009 16:12:05
Plik istnieje na kliencie. Może coś źle zrozumiałem w przedstawionym opisie. Oryginalna zawartość z poradnika bacula-dir:
Job { Name = "hymost-db" JobDefs = "DefaultJob" Level = Full FileSet="myhost-db" Client = myhost-fd Schedule = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup" # This creates a backup of the databases with pg_dump to fifos Client Run Before Job = "su - postgres -c \"/etc/bacula/make_database_backup\"" # This deletes the backup and fifo files Client Run After Job = "su - postgres -c \"/etc/bacula/delete_database_backup\"" Priority = 17 # run after main backup }
FileSet { Name = "myhost-db" Include { Options { signature = MD5 readfifo = yes } File = "/var/lib/pgsql/data/dump/globalobjects.dump" File = "|/etc/bacula/listdbdump myhost-or-ip.mynet.lan 5432" } }
I w miejsce:
Wstawiłem swój adres ip klienta.
Więc co mogę robić nie tak?
timor - 24-08-2009 21:08
A ma ten skrypt atrybut do wykonywania? (wiem - głupie, ale czasem właśnie na takich pierdołach świat staje :) )